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Pointer types

Types and type guards for all kinds of pointers

The @ethdebug/format package provides the root Pointer type and accompanying Pointer namespace, which contains TypeScript type definitions and type predicates for working with ethdebug/format/pointer objects.

The Pointer namespace is organized itself into namespaces in a nested manner, roughly to correspond to the JSON-Schema organization itself.

Types and type predicates are available for all pointer schemas, i.e., for every different kind of region and collection.

A full source listing follows below, but see example usage to get a sense for how these types are organized:

Usage example
import { Pointer, isPointer } from "@ethdebug/format";

const region: Pointer.Region = { location: "stack", slot: 0 };
const group: Pointer.Collection.Group = { group: [region] };

isPointer(region); // true
Pointer.isRegion(region); // true
Pointer.isRegion(group); // false
Pointer.isCollection(group); // true
Pointer.Collection.isGroup(group); // true


The Pointer namespace also contains the Pointer.Expression type and accompanying Pointer.Expression namespace. This namespace is similarly nested, also roughly to correspond to the root JSON-Schema.

See these quick examples to get a sense for this part of the type hierarchy:

Usage example
import { Pointer } from "@ethdebug/format";

const expression: Pointer.Expression = {
$sum: [0, 1]

Pointer.Expression.isKeccak256(expression); // false
Pointer.Expression.isArithmetic(expression); // true
Pointer.Expression.Arithmetic.isSum(expression); // true

Code listing

@ethdebug/format src/types/pointer/pointer.ts
export type Pointer =
| Pointer.Region
| Pointer.Collection;

export const isPointer = (value: unknown): value is Pointer =>
].some(guard => guard(value));

export namespace Pointer {
export type Identifier = string;
export const isIdentifier = (value: unknown): value is Identifier =>
typeof value === "string" && /^[a-zA-Z_\\-]+[a-zA-Z0-9$_\\-]*$/.test(value);

export type Region =
| Region.Stack
| Region.Memory
| Region.Storage
| Region.Calldata
| Region.Returndata
| Region.Transient
| Region.Code;

export const isRegion = (value: unknown): value is Region =>
].some(guard => guard(value));

export namespace Region {
export interface Base {
name?: string;
location: string;
export const isBase = (value: unknown): value is Base =>
!!value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
(!("name" in value) || typeof === "string") &&
"location" in value &&
typeof value.location === "string";

export type Name = Base["name"];

export type Stack =
& Base
& Scheme.Segment
& { location: "stack" };
export const isStack = (value: unknown): value is Stack =>
isBase(value) && Scheme.isSegment(value) && value.location === "stack";

export type Memory =
& Base
& Scheme.Slice
& { location: "memory" };
export const isMemory = (value: unknown): value is Memory =>
isBase(value) && Scheme.isSlice(value) && value.location === "memory";

export type Storage =
& Base
& Scheme.Segment
& { location: "storage" };
export const isStorage = (value: unknown): value is Storage =>
isBase(value) && Scheme.isSegment(value) && value.location === "storage";

export type Calldata =
& Base
& Scheme.Slice
& { location: "calldata" };
export const isCalldata = (value: unknown): value is Calldata =>
isBase(value) && Scheme.isSlice(value) && value.location === "calldata";

export type Returndata =
& Base
& Scheme.Slice
& { location: "returndata" };
export const isReturndata = (value: unknown): value is Returndata =>
isBase(value) && Scheme.isSlice(value) && value.location === "returndata";

export type Transient =
& Base
& Scheme.Segment
& { location: "transient" };
export const isTransient = (value: unknown): value is Transient =>
isBase(value) && Scheme.isSegment(value) && value.location === "transient";

export type Code =
& Base
& Scheme.Slice
& { location: "code" };
export const isCode = (value: unknown): value is Code =>
isBase(value) && Scheme.isSlice(value) && value.location === "code";

export namespace Scheme {
export interface Segment {
slot: Expression;
offset?: Expression;
length?: Expression;
export const isSegment = (value: unknown): value is Segment =>
!!value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
"slot" in value &&
isExpression(value.slot) &&
(!("offset" in value) || isExpression(value.offset)) &&
(!("length" in value) || isExpression(value.length));

export interface Slice {
offset: Expression;
length: Expression;

export const isSlice = (value: unknown): value is Slice =>
!!value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
"offset" in value &&
isExpression(value.offset) &&
"length" in value &&

export type Collection =
| Collection.Group
| Collection.List
| Collection.Conditional
| Collection.Scope
| Collection.Reference;

export const isCollection = (value: unknown): value is Collection =>
].some(guard => guard(value));

export namespace Collection {
export interface Group {
group: Pointer[];
export const isGroup = (value: unknown): value is Group =>
!!value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
Object.keys(value).length === 1 &&
"group" in value && instanceof Array && >= 1 &&;

export interface List {
list: {
count: Expression;
each: Identifier;
is: Pointer;
export const isList = (value: unknown): value is List =>
!!value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
Object.keys(value).length === 1 &&
"list" in value &&
!!value.list &&
typeof value.list === "object" &&
Object.keys(value.list).length === 3 &&
"count" in value.list &&
isExpression(value.list.count) &&
"each" in value.list &&
isIdentifier(value.list.each) &&
"is" in value.list &&

export interface Conditional {
if: Expression;
then: Pointer;
else?: Pointer;
export const isConditional = (value: unknown): value is Conditional =>
!!value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
"if" in value &&
isExpression(value.if) &&
"then" in value &&
isPointer(value.then) &&
(!("else" in value) || isPointer(value.else));

export interface Scope {
define: {
[identifier: string]: Expression;
in: Pointer;

export const isScope = (value: unknown): value is Scope =>
!!value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
"define" in value &&
typeof value.define === "object" && !!value.define &&
Object.keys(value.define).every(key => isIdentifier(key)) &&
"in" in value &&

export interface Reference {
template: string;

export const isReference = (value: unknown): value is Reference =>
!!value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
"template" in value &&
typeof value.template === "string" && !!value.template

export type Expression =
| Expression.Literal
| Expression.Constant
| Expression.Variable
| Expression.Arithmetic
| Expression.Lookup
| Expression.Read
| Expression.Keccak256
| Expression.Resize;

export const isExpression = (value: unknown): value is Expression =>
].some(guard => guard(value));

export namespace Expression {
export type Literal = number | `0x${string}`;
export const isLiteral = (value: unknown): value is Literal =>
typeof value === "number" ||
typeof value === "string" && /^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(value);

export type Constant =
| "$wordsize";
export const isConstant = (value: unknown): value is Constant =>
typeof value === "string" && ["$wordsize"].includes(value);

export type Variable = string;
export const isVariable = (value: unknown): value is Variable =>

export type Arithmetic =
| Arithmetic.Sum
| Arithmetic.Difference
| Arithmetic.Product
| Arithmetic.Quotient
| Arithmetic.Remainder;

export const isArithmetic = (value: unknown): value is Arithmetic =>
].some(guard => guard(value));

const makeIsOperation = <
O extends string,
T extends { [K in O]: any; }
operation: O,
checkOperands: (operands: unknown) => operands is T[O]
) => (value: unknown): value is T =>
!!value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
Object.keys(value).length === 1 &&
operation in value &&
checkOperands(value[operation as keyof typeof value]);

export type Operands = Expression[];
export const isOperands =
(value: unknown): value is Expression[] =>
value instanceof Array && value.every(isExpression);

export namespace Arithmetic {
export type Operation =
| keyof Sum
| keyof Difference
| keyof Product
| keyof Quotient
| keyof Remainder;

export const isTwoOperands =
(value: unknown): value is [Expression, Expression] =>
isOperands(value) && value.length === 2;

export interface Sum {
$sum: Expression[];
export const isSum =
makeIsOperation<"$sum", Sum>("$sum", isOperands);

export interface Difference {
$difference: [Expression, Expression];
export const isDifference =
makeIsOperation<"$difference", Difference>("$difference", isTwoOperands);

export interface Product {
$product: Expression[];
export const isProduct =
makeIsOperation<"$product", Product>("$product", isOperands);

export interface Quotient {
$quotient: [Expression, Expression];
export const isQuotient =
makeIsOperation<"$quotient", Quotient>("$quotient", isTwoOperands);

export interface Remainder {
$remainder: [Expression, Expression];
export const isRemainder =
makeIsOperation<"$remainder", Remainder>("$remainder", isTwoOperands);

export type Reference =
| Identifier
| "$this";
export const isReference = (value: unknown): value is Reference =>
isIdentifier(value) || value === "$this";

export type Lookup =
| Lookup.Offset
| Lookup.Length
| Lookup.Slot;
export const isLookup = (value: unknown): value is Lookup =>
].some(guard => guard(value));

export namespace Lookup {
export type Operation =
| keyof Offset
| keyof Length
| keyof Slot;

export type ForOperation<O extends Operation> =
& Lookup
& { [K in O]: any };

export const propertyFrom = <O extends Operation>(
operation: O
): "slot" | "offset" | "length" => {
return operation.slice(1) as "slot" | "offset" | "length";

export interface Offset {
".offset": Reference;
export const isOffset =
makeIsOperation<".offset", Offset>(".offset", isReference);

export interface Length {
".length": Reference;
export const isLength =
makeIsOperation<".length", Length>(".length", isReference);

export interface Slot {
".slot": Reference;
export const isSlot =
makeIsOperation<".slot", Slot>(".slot", isReference);

export interface Read {
$read: Reference
export const isRead = makeIsOperation<"$read", Read>("$read", isReference);

export interface Keccak256 {
$keccak256: Expression[];
export const isKeccak256 =
makeIsOperation<"$keccak256", Keccak256>("$keccak256", isOperands);

export type Resize<N extends number = number> =
| Resize.ToNumber<N>
| Resize.ToWordsize;
export const isResize = <N extends number>(
value: unknown
): value is Resize<N> =>
].some(guard => guard(value));

export namespace Resize {
export type ToNumber<N extends number> = {
[K in `$sized${N}`]: Expression;
export const isToNumber = <N extends number>(
value: unknown
): value is ToNumber<N> => {
if (
!value ||
typeof value !== "object" ||
Object.keys(value).length !== 1
) {
return false;
const [key] = Object.keys(value);

return typeof key === "string" && /^\$sized([1-9]+[0-9]*)$/.test(key);

export type ToWordsize = {
$wordsized: Expression;
export const isToWordsize = (value: unknown): value is ToWordsize =>
!!value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
Object.keys(value).length === 1 &&
"$wordsized" in value &&
typeof value.$wordsized !== "undefined" &&

export interface Templates {
[identifier: string]: Pointer.Template;

export const isTemplates = (value: unknown): value is Templates =>
!!value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
Object.keys(value).every(isIdentifier) &&

export interface Template {
expect: string[];
for: Pointer;

export const isTemplate = (value: unknown): value is Template =>
!!value &&
typeof value === "object" &&
Object.keys(value).length === 2 &&
"expect" in value &&
value.expect instanceof Array &&
value.expect.every(isIdentifier) &&
"for" in value &&
